As I’m sitting here, the summer climbing season is coming to an end. The first snow is reaching the mountains, Artist Point just closed, and they gated Cascade River Road. So I figured it’d be a good idea to review the climbing season and discuss my plans for winter. Heres a quick list of my important spring and summer accomplishments
Skiing Mount Baker(lots of vert, first glaciated ski descent for me)
Skiing Glacier Peak(first overnight ski tour)
Cutthroat Peak(first real alpine climb)
Mount Stuart North Ridge(speaks for itself)
Nooksack Tower(well that was full on)
And my lovely trip to Argonaut peak to view larches with Cole
So what are my plans for next this winter then? Heres a quick list:
Ski the Snoqualmie mountain couloirs
3+ day overnight ski tour
75 ski days(Prioritie shave changed, we'll see about this one)
Climb Lincoln Peak(DONE!)
Ski Shuksan, in the winter
Ice Crag
Climb a route that requires AI3/WI3
Chair peak circumnavigation
Ski in the Enchantments or Hwy 20(DONE!)
We’ll see how many of these I get down but either way, I’m excited. its good to write em down at least.
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