Cascade Alpinism

Cascade Alpinism

Friday, June 28, 2024

Cutthroat Peak - South Buttress

 So this was pretty long ago and I’m not gonna delve too deep into it but I figure that I might as well write a small little report about it. Emily and I had skied the Colchuck Glacier some time ago and she decided to get me into alpine climbing. I drove up there friday morning and we set off for Cutthroat at around 08:00. The approach was simple and son we were climbing up the approach gullies. They were loose but soon we were near the top, where we roped up for the pitch to the top

Once at the ridge it was pretty smooth sailing to the top. There was a fun crack pitch somewhere in the middle, and to finish it off, a nice offwidth that put us on the summit. Since it was my first alpine climb, it was an entirely new experience for me and got me hooked. The views were great, and clear skies opened up the north cascades.

The descent down the west ridge went easy. After some scree skiing, we reached the basin where an hour of hiking brought us to the car.

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